Youcan override audio settings to check for ef-
fectivenessof your audio settings.
!Allaudio functions are locked out during
thedirect control is on except VOLUME.
1 TouchA.MENU and AUDIO and then
2 Touchato turn the direct control on.
#Toturn direct control off, touch b.
Using the Dolby Pro LogicDolbyPro Logic gives enhanced spatial and di-
rectionaleffects, creating theater-like sense of
presenceand ambience.
!Ifthe source is a 2-channel LPCM audioor
a2-channel Dolby Digital audio and you se-
lectSFC effects that are most applicable
for5.1-channel audio (i.e., MUSICAL,
DRAMAor ACTION), we recommend turn-
ingDolby Pro Logic on. On the other hand,
whenselecting SFC effects that are in-
tendedfor use with 2-channel audio (i.e.,
JAZZ,HALLor CLUB), we recommend turn-
ingDolby Pro Logic off.
1 TouchA.MENU and AUDIO and then
2 TouchDOLBY PL.
3 Touchato turn the Dolby Pro Logic on.
#Toturn Dolby Pro Logic off, touch b.
Whenplaying a 2-channel mono source with Pro
Logicturned on, there may be occasions when
thefollowing will occur:
!Noaudio is output if the center speaker set-
tingis SMALL or LARGE and no center speak-
eris installed.
!Audiois heard only over the center speaker if
installedand the center speaker setting is
Setting the speaker settingYouneed to make with/without (or yes/no) and
size(bass reproducing capacity) selection/ad-
justmentsdepending on the installed speak-
ers.The size needs to be set to LARGE (large)
ifthe speaker is capable of reproducing
soundsof about 100 Hz or below. Otherwise
selectSMALL (small).
!Lowfrequency range is not output if the
subwooferis set to OFF and the front and
rearspeakers set to SMALL or OFF.
!Itis imperative that non-installed speakers
beset to OFF.
!Setthe front or rear speaker to LARGE if
thespeaker is capable of reproducing bass
content,or if no subwoofer is installed.
1 TouchA.MENU and AUDIO and then
2 TouchSP SET.
3 Touchaor bto select the speaker to
Eachtime you touch aor bselects the speak-
erin the following order:
FRONT(front speakers)CENTER (center
speaker)REAR(rear speakers)
SUBWOOFER (subwoofer)PHASE (sub-
#Youcan switch to PHASE only when the sub-
wooferhas been set to ON.
Digital Signal Processor
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DigitalSignal Processor