Youcan set up that the angle icon appears on
sceneswhere the angle can be switched.
1 TouchSETUP and VISUAL and then
touchM. ANGLE.
2 Touchato turn angle icon display on.
#Toturn angle icon display off, touch b.
Setting the aspect ratioThereare two kinds of display. A wide screen
displayhas awidth-to-height ratio(TV aspect)
of16:9, while a regular display has a TV aspect
of4:3. Besure toselect thecorrect TVaspect
forthe display connected to REAR MONITOR
!Whenusing a regular display, select either
LETTERBOX or PANSCAN. Selecting 16: 9
mayresult in an unnatural picture.
!Ifyou selectthe TVaspect, this unitsdis-
playchanges to the same setting.
1 TouchSETUP and VISUAL and then
2 Touchany of the following touch panel
keysto selectthe TVaspect.
!16: 9 Widescreen picture (16:9) is dis-
playedas it is (initial setting)
!LETTERBOX The picture is the shape of a
letterbox with black bands at the top and
bottomof the screen
!PANSCANThe picture is cut short at the
rightand left of the screen
!Whenplaying discs that do not specify
PANSCAN,playback is with LETTER BOX
evenif you select the PANSCAN setting. Con-
firmwhether the disc package bears the
16 : 9 LB mark.(See page 10.)
!Somediscs do not enable changing of the TV
aspect.For details, refer to the discsin-
Setting the parental lockSomeDVD video discs let you use parental
lockto restrict the viewing of violent and adult
orientedscenes by children. You can set the
parentallock level in steps as desired.
!Whenyou set a parental lock level and then
playa disc featuring parental lock, code
numberinput indications may be dis-
played.In this case, playback will begin
whenthe correct code number is input.
Setting the code number and level
Whenyou first use this function, register your
codenumber. If you do not register a code
number,parental lock will not operate.
1 TouchSETUP and VISUAL and then
2 Touch09 to input a four digit code
3 Whilethe input number is displayed,
Thecode number is set, and you can now set
4 Touchany of 18 to select the desired
Theparental lock level is set.
!LEVEL8 Playback of the entire disc is pos-
sible(initial setting)
!LEVEL7LEVEL 2 Playback of discs for
childrenand non-adult oriented discs is
Setting up the DVD player