VideoCDs featuring PBC compatibility
Itis possible to play back Video CDs featuring
PBC(playback control).
MusicCD/CD-R/CD-RW playback is possible.
MP3file playback
Itis possible to play back MP3 files recorded
onCD-ROM/CD-R/CD-RW (ISO9660Level 1/
Level2 standard recordings).
!Supplyof this product only conveys a li-
censefor private, non-commercial use and
doesnot convey a license nor imply any
rightto use this product in any commercial
(i.e.revenue-generating) real time broad-
casting(terrestrial, satellite, cable and/or
anyother media), broadcasting/streaming
viainternet, intranets and/or other net-
worksor in other electronic content distri-
butionsystems, such as pay-audio or
audio-on-demandapplications. An inde-
pendentlicense for such use is required.
Fordetails, please visit
Thisunit is NTSC/PAL system compatible.
Whenconnecting other components to this
unit,be sure components are compatible with
thesame video system or else images will not
becorrectly reproduced.
DolbyDigital/DTS compatibility
Whenusing this unit with a Pioneer multi-
channelprocessor, you can enjoy the atmo-
sphereand excitement provided by DVD movie
andmusic software featuring 5.1channel re-
!Manufacturedunder license from Dolby La-
boratories.Dolbyand the double-D sym-
bolare trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.
!DTSisa registered trademark of Digital
TheaterSystems, Inc.
Switchingbetween wide screen, letter box and
panscandisplay is possible.
Youcan switch between multiple audio sys-
temsrecorded on a DVD as desired.
Youcan switch between multiple subtitle lan-
guagesrecorded on a DVD as desired.
Youcan switch between multiple viewing an-
glesof a scene recorded on a DVD as desired.
Thisproduct incorporates copyright protection
technologythat is protected by method claims of
certainU.S. patents and other intellectual prop-
ertyrights owned by Macrovision Corporation
andother rights owners. Use of this copyright
protectiontechnology must be authorized by
MacrovisionCorporation, and is intended for
homeand other limited viewing uses only unless
otherwiseauthorized by Macrovision Corporation.
Reverseengineering or disassembly is
Toprotect the LCD screen
!Donot allow direct sunlight to fall on the
displaywhen this unit is not being used.
Extendedexposure to direct sunlight can
resultin LCD screen malfunction due to
theresulting high temperatures.
Before YouStart
En 9
BeforeYou Start