group(MPEG) of the ISO (International Stan-
dardsOrganization). MP3 is able to compress
audiodata to about 1/10th the level of acon-
Thisstands for Moving Pictures Experts
Group,and is an international video image
compressionstandard. Some DVDs feature di-
gitalaudio compressed and recorded using
Withregular TV programs, although multiple
camerasare used to simultaneously shoot
scenes,only images from one camera at a
timeare transmitted to your TV. Some DVDs
featurescenes shot from multiple angles, let-
tingyou choose your viewing angle as desired.
Multi-audio(Multilingual dialog)
SomeDVDs feature dialog recorded in multi-
plelanguages. Dialog in up to 8 languages
canbe recorded on a single disc, letting you
chooseas desired.
Multi-sessionis a recording method that al-
lowsadditional data to be recorded later.
Whenrecording data on a CD -ROM, CD-R or
CD-RW,etc., all data from beginning to end is
treatedas a single unit or session. Multi-ses-
sionis a method of recording more than 2 ses-
sionsin one disc.
Subtitlesin up to 32 languages can be re-
cordedon a single DVD, letting you choose as
Opticaldigital output/input
Bytransmitting and receiving audio signals in
adigital signal format, the chance of sonic
qualitydeteriorating in the course of transmis-
sionis minimized. An optical digital output/
inputis designed to transmit and receive digi-
talsignals optically.
Thisis a general term for a method of writing
onCD-R, etc. at the time required for a file,
justas is done with files on floppy or hard
SomeDVD video discs with violent or adult-or-
ientedscenes feature parental lock which pre-
ventschildren from viewing such scenes. With
thiskind of disc, if you set the units parental
locklevel, playback of scenes inappropriate for
childrenwill be disabled, or these scenes will
Playbackcontrol (PBC)
Thisis a playback control signal recorded on
VideoCDs (Version 2.0). Using menu displays
providedby Video CDs with PBC lets you enjoy
playbackof simple interactive software and
softwarewith search functions. You can also
enjoyviewing high- and standard-resolution
DVDplayers and DVD discs feature region
numbersindicating the area in which they
werepurchased. Playback of a DVD isnot pos-
sibleunless it features the same region num-
beras the DVD player. This units region
numberis displayed on the bottom of this
DVDvideo discs have high data capacity, en-
ablingrecording of multiple movies on a sin-
gledisc. If, for example, one disc contains
threeseparate movies, they are divided into
title1, title 2 and title 3. This lets you enjoy the
convenienceof title search and other func-
Additional Information
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