5 Touchaor bto select a letter of the al-
Eachtime you touch awill display a letter of
thealphabet in A B C ... X Y Z, numbers and
symbolsin 1 2 3 ... | } ¯ order. Each time you
touchbwill display a letter in the reverse
order,such as Z Y X ... C B A order.
6 Touchdto move the cursor to the next
Whenthe desired letter is displayed, touch d
tomove the cursor to the next position and
thenselect the next letter. Touch cto move
backwardsin the display.
7 TouchOK to store the entered title in
8 TouchESC to return to the playback dis-
!Titlesremain in memory, even after the disc
hasbeen removed from this unit, and are re-
calledwhen the disc is reinserted.
!Afterdata for 48 discs has been stored in
memory,data for a new disc will overwrite the
Using CD TEXT functionsSomediscs have certain information encoded
onthe disc during manufacture. These discs
maycontain such information as the CD title,
tracktitle, artists name and playback time
andare called CD TEXT discs. Only these spe-
ciallyencoded CD TEXT discs support the
functionslisted below.
Displaying titles on CD TEXT discs
TouchDISP repeatedly to switch between the
DiscTitle(disc title)DiscArtist (disc artist
name)TrackTitle(track title)T.Artist (track
#Ifspecific information has not been recorded
ona CD TEXT disc, NO XXXX will be displayed
(e.g.,NO ARTIST).
Scrollingtitles in the display
Thisunit can display the first 19 letters onlyof
DiscTitle,DiscArtist,TrackTitleand T.Artist.
Whenthe recorded information is longer than
19letters, you can scroll the text to the left so
thatthe rest of the title can be seen.
%Keeptouching DISP until the title be-
ginsto scroll to the left.
Therest of the title will appear in the display.
Selecting tracks from the track
title list
Tracktitle list lets you see the list of track titles
ona CD TEXT disc and select one of them to
1 TouchA.MENU and FUNCTION and then
2 TouchPREV or NEXT to switch between
thelists of titles.
3 Touchyour favorite track title.
Thatselection will begin to play.
Playing CDs