2 PressEQ to select the desired SFC
PressEQ repeatedly to switch between the fol-
MUSICAL(musical)DRAMA (drama)
ACTION(action)JAZZ (jazz)HALL (hall)
CLUB(club)OFF (off)
Ifthe source is a 2-channel LPCM audio or a 2-
channelDolby Digital audio and you select SFC
effectsthat are most applicable for 5.1-channel
audio(i.e., MUSICAL,DRAMA or ACTION), we
recommendturning Dolby Pro Logic on. On the
otherhand, when selecting SFC effects that are
intendedfor use with 2-channel audio (i.e., JAZZ,
HALLor CLUB), we recommend turning Dolby
ProLogic off.
Using the position selectorOneway to assure a more natural sound is to
accuratelyposition the stereo image, putting
youright in the center of the sound field.The
positionselector function letsyou automati-
callyadjust the speaker output levels and in-
sertsa delay time to match the number and
positionof occupied seats. When used in con-
junctionwith the SFC, the feature will make
thesound image more natural and offer a pa-
noramicsound that envelops you.
1 TouchA.MENU and AUDIO and then
2 Touchc/d/a/bto select a listening po-
Touchone of these, c/d/a/b, to select a lis-
teningposition as listed in the table.
Key Display Position
cFRONT-L Frontseat left
dFRONT-R Frontseat right
aFRONT Frontseats
bALL Allseats
#Tocancel the selected listening position,
touchthe same key again.
Whenyou make adjustments for listening posi-
tion,the speakers are automatically set for appro-
priateoutput levels. You can tailor them if you
wantas discussed under the heading of Adjust-
ingthe speaker output levels using a test tone or
Adjustingthe speaker output levels.
Using balance adjustmentYoucan select a fader/balance setting that
providesan ideal listening environment in all
1 TouchA.MENU and AUDIO and then
2 Touchaor bto adjust front/rear
Eachtime you touch aor bmoves the front/
rearspeaker balance towards the front or the
FRONT:25REAR:25 is displayed as the front/
rearspeaker balance moves from front to rear.
#FR:00is the proper setting when only two
speakersare used.
3 Touchcor dto adjust left/right speak-
Eachtime you touch cor dmoves the left/
rightspeaker balance towards the left or the
Digital Signal Processor
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DigitalSignal Processor