Select this setting to perform color matching based on one of the printer's built- in color rendering
dictionaries and perform CMYK conversion. This setting performs the printing which output target
is Monitor γ = 1.8.
Super Fine
Select this setting to use a color rendering dictionary as in the "Fine" setting but produ ce output tha t
is more vivid. Use this setting to emphasize ligh t colors. This settin g perform s the prin ting whic h
output target is Monitor γ = 2.2.
Use this to select a color rendering dictionary (CRD). The CRD is referred to color matching, so you
should select the appropriate CRD for the document you are printing. The selected CRD is also re-
ferred to when [Fine] or [Super Fine] is selected for "Color Setting". The following items are available:
[Auto],[Photographic], [Presentation] and [Solid Color].