Operating Instructions Client Reference
Printer Drivers for This PrinterPrinting requires installation of a prin ter drive r for you r operatin g system . The follo wing driv ers are
included on the CD-ROM that comes with this printer.
*1 Microsoft Windows 95 operating system
*2 Microsoft Windows 98 operating system
*3 Microsoft Windows Me operating system
*4 Microsoft Windows 2000 professional
Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server
*5 Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition
*6 Microsoft Windows NT Server operating system version 4.0, Microsoft Windows NT Workstation op-
erating system version 4.0 in a computer using x86 processors.
Printer Language PCL 5c RPCS PostScript 3
Operating system
Windows 95 *1 √√√ *9
Windows 98 *2 √√√ *9
Windows Me *3 √√√ *9
Windows 2000 *4 √√√
Windows XP *5 √√√
Windows NT 4.0 *6 √√√ *8 *9
Mac OS *7 √ *9
Mac OS X √ *10