Operating Instructions Client Reference
After setting the IP address, use the ping command to confirm that it has been set correctly.
AWindows 95/98
Click [Start], point to [Programs], and then click [MS-DOS Prompt].
BWindows Me
Click [Start], point to [Programs], point to [Accessories], and then click [MS-DOS Prompt].
CType the following: (Example IP address is
C:> ping
If the address has been configured correctly, the following message appear s.
Reply from : bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=32
If the address has been configured incorrectly, the following message ap pears.
Request timed out.
Configuring a Windows 95/98/Me computer
Follow these steps to configure a Windows 95/98/Me computer to use the TCP/IP protocol.
AOpen [Control Panel] and double-click the [Network] icon. Confirm that TCP/IP is listed in the
[The following network components are installed:] box under the [Configuration] tab.
If the TCP/IP protocol is not installed, click [Add] under the [Configuration] tab and install it. For
more information about installing the TCP/IP protocol, see Windows 95/98/Me Help.
Under Windows Me, if you want to use IEEE 1394 (IP over 1394) interface, make sure TCP/IP
is bound to the IEEE 1394 adaptor being used. The following message will be d isplayed:

TCP/IP -> (IEEE 1394 adaptor in use)

BConfigure the TCP/IP protocol with the appropriate IP address, subnet mask and other settings.
Confirm that the settings are correct with the network administrator.