Operating Instructions Administrator Reference
7. Monitoring and Configuring the PrinterChanging Names and Comments
You can change printer names and make a comment on printers to easily identify the printers li ste d on
SmartNetMonitor for Client.
The following utilities are used to change printer names and comments.
❖SmartNetMonitor for Admin
Allows you to change names and comments when th e TCP/IP protoco l or IPX/SPX pr otocol is
available. You can install SmartNetMonitor for Admin from the CD-ROM that comes with the
printer. For more information about installing SmartNetMonitor for Admin, see p.84 “Installing
SmartNetMonitor for Admin”.
❖Web Browser
Allows you to change names and comments when the TCP/IP protocol is available.
❒Each of the names, in a TCP/IP protocol form (printer name) and in a NetBEUI protocol form, is
changed individually. Comments are, however, common to both of them.
❒The factory default name consists of "RNP" and the last 3 bytes of the MAC address on the Ne t-
work Interface Board. For example, when the MAC address is 00:00:74:62:7D:D5, the factory
default name is "RNP627DD5". Comments are not configured.