If you use Windows 2000 or Windows XP, this function is called "Image C olor Management".
If you use Windows NT 4.0, this function can not be configured.
If you use Mac OS, this function is called "Color Matching".
Image Color Control
Display the Image Color Matching dialog box, click this butt on to s pecify e xactly how you want the
colors on your screen adjusted before printing.
User Code
Use this to set a user code for print logging.
Enter a user code using up to eight digits. A user code identifies a group of users and allows you to
check the number of sheets printed under each code with SmartNetMonitor for Admin.
The following table shows the tabs or menus where you can select this function.
For more information about using SmartNetMonitor for Admin, see Help.
Windows 95/98/Me [User Code] on the [Statistics] tab.
Windows 2000, Windows XP [User Code] on the [Job Log] tab in the Printing Preferences dialog
Windows NT 4.0 [User Code] on the [Job Log] tab in the Document Defaults dialog box.
Mac OS [User Code] on [Job Log] in the print dialog box.
Mac OS X This function is not available.