Operating Instructions Client Reference
Locked Print
Use this function to maintain privacy when printing confidential documents. Documents will not be
printed out automatically, unless a password is entered, using the control panel after sending the print
If you turn off the power switch, the job that was saved on the Hard Disk Drive wi ll be deleted.
To use this function, the optional Hard Disk Drive must be installed on the printer .
For more information about printer driver settings, see the printer driver's H elp file.
You can identify the file you want to print by the User ID and the time when th e job was stored.
The actual number of pages the printer can save depends on the contents of the print images. For
example, the printer can save up to 30 jobs or 1,000 pages for Sample Print and Locked Print. It
depends on the data volume.
The following procedures describe how to use this function with the PCL 5c or RPCS printer driver
under Windows. If you want to use this function with the PostScript 3 printer driver or on a Macin-
tosh, see the PostScript 3 Supplement.
After the Locked Print file is printed, the j ob in the printer is deleted automatically.
AFrom an application, select the menu command to print.
The [Print] dialog box appears.
BOpen the Printer Properties.