Operating Instructions Administrator Reference
Going to the Top PageAfter launching the Web Browser, type the IP address of the printer. See the example below. This ex-
ample is for the English version.
(In this example, the IP address of the Network Interface Board is
❒If a DNS server is used on the network, you can type the host name as an URL. For example, ht-
tp://webmonitor.netprinter.com/. In order to do this, you must register the IP addres s and th e host
name of the Network Interface Board with the DNS server. Consult the network administrator for i n-
formation about how to do this.
❒When you use the proxy server, you must se t up t he prox y s erve r ad dres s fo r th e We b br owse r yo u
are using. Consult the network administrator for information about how to set the proxy server.
1. Header Buttons
You can register favorite URLs with [URL]. To
view the Help section, click [Help].
❒It costs to use the browser to access a Web-
❒The Help file is stored in the following folder
on the CD-ROM in HTML format. The third
folder, "(Language)" may be substituted by
an appropriate language name.