Operating Instructions Client Reference
If you do not want to install the printer when [Found New Hardware Wizard] starts with an oper-
ating system, which supports SCSI print, inactivate the device by following the procedures.
AIn the [Found New Hardware Wizard] dialog box, confirm that [This wizard helps you install
software for: Unknown] is displayed, and select [Install from a list on specific location (Ad-
vanced)], and then click [Next>].
BWhen the [Please choose your search and installation option.] message appears, remove all
the selections from [Search for the best driver in these locations.], and then click [Next>].
CWhen the [The wizard could not find the software on your computer for..] message appears,
click [OK].
DWhen the [Cannot Install this Hardware] message appears, select the [Don't prompt again to in-
stall the software] check box, and then click [Finish].
Printing with IP over 1394
You can print by setting the IP address for this machine and the computer on which Windows XP is
"IP over 1394" must be set on the control panel and an IP address for the IEEE 1394 (IP over 1394)
interface must be specified.
For more information about how to make printer settings, see "IEEE 1394 Configuration" in the Op-
tion Setup Guide.
When using the IEEE 1394 (IP over 1394) interface in a network, the E ther ne t i nterfa ce ca nno t be
used in the same network.