Display Power Management Signalling. Displays or monitors that comply with this can be managed by the Power Management features found in the system setup.
Floppy disk
A removable disk, also called floppy or diskette.
Hard drive
Also called fixed disk. A hard drive is connected to the computer and can be installed or removed. Data written to a hard drive remains until it is overwritten or corrupted.
Input/output. Refers to peripheral devices, such as printers, that are addressed through an I/O address.
I/O address
I/O stands for input/output. Peripheral devices, such as printers, are addressed through the I/O port address.
IRQ (interrupt request line)
The IRQ is a hardware line that a device uses to signal the microprocessor when the device needs the microprocessor’s services. The number of IRQs is limited by industry standards.
LCD (liquid-crystal display)
The LCD screen on your computer differs from the display screen of a desktop monitor. Most desktop monitors use CRT
94 Users Manual