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Replace the Light Bulb
1. Unplug the machine and open the
lace cover plate.
CAUTION! The light bulb could be
HOT. Protect your fingers
when you handle it.
2. Push the bulb up and turn the bulb
counter-clockwise to remove it.
3. Put the new bulb in bypushing it up
and turning itclockwise.
Replacement de l' ampoute
1. DObranchez fe cordon et ouvrez le
couvercle de la tote.
DANGER-- Si t'ampouie Went de
s__tetndre, elle sera
BR OLANTE. Prot#gez
vos dotgts.
2. Retirez l'ampoule en l'etfon_ant et en
la tournant f gauche.
3. Accrochez l' ampoule neuve en Ia
poassant entoumant a drotte.


Clean the Bobbin Holder

To insurethat yourmachine operates at its best, youneed tokeep the essential parts clean at alltimes.

The bobbin areacan collect dust andlint. Your machine can becomesluggish orI_nockloudlyif a thread is caught.

Nettoyage du port-canette
Pour que votre machine fonctionne clans de bonnes conditions, il suffit de veiller 11la propretO des organes essenttels.
Bouts defil, fibres et poassi_res ont tendance &se d_poser atttoltr de ia eanette, ie mouvement devient bruyant, plus dttr ce qut
peut causer larupture dufil.
Turn off the power switch or unplug the
Remove the cover plate by sliding the
hook cover plate release button to the
Take out the bobbin.
Brush out dust and lint; or you may use
a vacuum cleaner.
Insert the bobbin.
Attach the hook cover plate.
Fermez le pottvotr et d_branehez la
Rettrez la plaque couw'ant le crochet en
poussant vers la droll le bouton da cot#.
Enlevez ta bobine,
Enlevez ta poussiOre et ia chmpie oh
volts pouvez uti!iser ta batayeuse.
Remptacez ia bobine.
Repiaeez ia plaque cottvrant te crochet,