8Reading (X) and Resetting (Z) of Sales Totals
•Use the reading function (X) when you need to take the reading of sales information entered after the last resetting. You can take this reading any number of times. It does not affect the register’s memory.
•Use the resetting function (Z) when you need to clear the register’s memory. Resetting prints all sales information and clears the entire memory except for the GT1 through GT3, reset count, and consecutive number.
•X1 and Z1 reports show daily sales information. You can take these reports in the X1/Z1 mode.
•X2 and Z2 reports show periodic (monthly) consolidation information. You can take these reports in the X2/Z2 mode.
•In the OP X/Z mode, a clerk can take his or her report.
•If you want to stop the printing report, press the akey.
■■ How to take a X1/Z1 or X2/Z2 report
[To take an X1 or X2 report:]
1.Press the key.
2.Select the “4 X1/Z1 MODE” or “5 X2/Z2 MODE” by using the Ikey, and press the Akey.
3.Select “2 READING” in the X1/Z1 mode or select “1 READING” in the X2/Z2 mode menu window and press in both cases Akey to display the items list.
4.Select the appropriate report title.
5.Press the Akey.
[To take a Z1 or Z2 report:]
1.Press the key.
2.Select the “4 X1/Z1 MODE” or “5 X2/Z2 MODE” by using the Ikey, and press the Akey.
3.Select “3 RESETTING” in the X1/Z1 mode or select “2 RESETTING” in the X2/Z2 mode menu window and press in both cases Akey to display the items list.
4.Select the appropriate report title.
5.Press the Akey.
■■ View report
You can take view reports (display only) in the X1/Z1 mode for department sales, cash in drawer (CID) and sales total at the point you take the report.
1. Press the key.
2. Select the “4 X1/Z1 MODE” by using the Ikey, and press the Akey.
3. Select the “1 VIEW REPORT” , and press the Akey.
4. Select “1 DEPT. SALES” to take a view report of department sales, “2 CASH IN DRAWER” to take a view report of cash in drawer, or “3 SALES TOTAL” to take a view report of sales total.
5.Press the Akey.