10.12.98 | profi70.SIX | Profiset 70isdn, GB: |
Index Profiset 70isdn
L |
Labelling cards | 1 |
Language for user guidance | 19 |
Letters, entering (telephone directory) | 34 |
Location of the telephone | VII |
Locking | 59 |
Lockout numbers | 29, 59 |
Loudspeaker (as feature key) | 42 |
Loudspeaker volume | 20 |
M |
Main station | 17 |
Maintenance | 1 |
Malfunctions | 5 |
Memory, clearing | 31 |
Menu structure | 14 |
answering machine | 75 |
during a call | 15 |
telephone directory | 15 |
when the telephone is idle | 14 |
Menus | 12 |
representing in the operating |
instructions | 13 |
selecting entries | 13 |
using menu numbers | 14 |
Message length | 91 |
Message Waiting Indication (MWI) | 63 |
Messages |
deleting | 83 |
96 | |
Monitoring | 84 |
Monitoring a call | 58 |
95 | |
Multiple subscriber numbers | 18 |
Mute | 56 |
Mute (as feature key) | 42 |
Mute (as function key) | 56 |
MWI (as function key) | 42, 63 |
MWI (Message Waiting Indication) | 63 |
N |
National access code | 32 |
National variants | 19 |
Number of rings (answering machine) | 90 |
Number redial | 47, 98 |
Number redial (as feature key) | 42 |
O |
Open listening | 55 |
switching to handsfree conversing | 56 |
Operating modes (answering machine) | 75 |
Operating the answering machine remotely . 92 | |
Operation of the telephone | 12 |
P |
Park/resume (as function key) | 42, 57 |
Parking a call | 57 |
Password | 16 |
PBX | 18 |
Personal infos |
listening to | 80 |
Playing back messages | 82 |
| 95 |
17 | |
95 | |
Premium rate access | 95 |
Primary rate access | 95 |
Private Branch Exchange | 18 |
Putting into service | 6 |
Q |
Quick reference guide |
remote operation | 103 |
R |
Read info text (as feature key) | 42 |
Recording calls live | 85 |
Recording infos | 85 |
Recordings |
activating | 81 |
activating the next message | 83 |
activating the previous message | 83 |
deleting | 82 |
sorting | 87 |
Remote operation |
quick reference guide | 103 |
Resuming a parked call | 57 |
Ringer tone | 21 |
Ringer volume | 21 |
Room attenuated (as feature key) | 22, 42 |
Room characteristics | 22 |
Room echoing (as feature key) | 22, 42 |
Room monitoring | 27, 93 |
Room monitoring (as function key) | 42 |
S |
S0 bus | 96 |
S0 extension | 17 |
Safety | VII |
Second caller, forwarding | 50 |
Second level, programming | 44 |
Send info text (as feature key) | 42 |
Service indicator | 96 |
Service menu | 97 |
Service menu (as function key) | 42 |
Settings | 16 |
Settings, checking | 31 |
Shift key (as feature key) | 42 |
Siemens Service | 4 |