Siemens PC 670 manual What does ESD mean?, Definition

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ESD Guidelines

Release 04/02




B.1 What does ESD mean?


All electronic components are equipped with high-integrated modules or components. Conditioned by their technology, these electronic components are extremely sensitive to overvoltages and therefore to discharges of static electricity.

These Electrostatically sensible components/assemblies are internationally known under the abbreviation as ESD. At the same the internationally used denomination ESD for electrostatic sensitive device is also used.

Electrostatic sensitive assemblies are identified by the following symbol:


!Electrostatic sensitive devices can be destroyed by voltages which are far below the limit of perception of human beings. These voltages occur when you touch a component or the electrical connections of a assembly without being electrostatically discharged. The damage which arises in a assembly as a result of overvoltage cannot usually be detected immediately, but only becomes apparent after a lengthy operating period.


Panel PC 670 Computing Unit, Equipment Manual

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Siemens PC 670 manual What does ESD mean?, Definition