Configuration with Advanced Setup
Access control to local network
In this screen you can specify which PC's will have access to your router and hence to your LAN.
◆In the Wireless Settings menu, select Access control.
The default setting for access control is disabled. This means that all PC's that use the correct SSID can log in.
Access control is based on the MAC addresses of the network adapters of the PC's. If you wish to use access control, you must put the PC's that will be allowed access on the access control list.
When you activate the MAC access control you should at least enter the PC from which you configure the router, otherwise you will no longer be able to access the router's user interface and will see an error message to this effect.
If you have denied all your PC's access to the router by mistake, you have two options:
◆You can completely reset the router (see page 108).
◆You can connect one PC to the router by one of the LAN connections. Because the MAC access control only applies to PC's that are connec- ted 'wirelessly', you can use this PC to change the router's configura- tion.
You will find a detailed example of how to create an access control list in "Practical Tips and Configuration Examples" on the CD supplied.