Connectingan audioinput device to yourinteractive whiteboard

Youcan connect an audioinput device, such as aCD player,DVD/ Blu-rayplayer or VCR, t o your
interactivewhiteboard’s ExternalControl Panel (ECP)or Appliance ControlPanel (ACP). The audio
thenbroadcasts from the speakers.

Connectingyourpaging system to the room module

Youcan connect yourexisting pagings ystem tot heroom module.A page thenbroadcasts fromthe
speakers.You can configuret hesy stem to reducet hevolume of all other audioinput devices w hena
pageis broadcast.
Controlling audio inputs
Youcan use your microphoneto mute or adjust volume of your voice, an auxiliary audioinput device
ordevices connected to the control unit ory ourinteractive whiteboard.
Alternatively,you can use SMARTAudio software installed ony ourcomputer to control volume.
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