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Thisequipmenthasbeentestedand foundto comply with thel imits for a Cl ass A digitaldevice, pursuantto Part15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designedto provide
reasonableprotectionagainstharmfulinterferencewhentheequipmentis operatedin a commercial environment.This equipmentgenerates,usesand canr adiateradio
frequencyenergyand,ifnot installedand usedin accordancewith the manufacturer’sinstructions,may cause harmfuli nterferencetoradio communications.Operationof
thisequipmentina residential areais likelytocause harmfuli nterferenceinw hichcase the user will berequiredtocorrect theinterferenceat his own expense.
SMARTAudio,SMARTBoard,SMARTNotebook,SMARTMeetingPro,smarttech,theSMARTlogo andall SMART taglinesaretrademarksor registeredtrademarks of
SMARTTechnologiesULCintheU.S.and/or othercountries.W indowsand Microsoft are eithera r egisteredtrademarkor a tr ademarkof Micr osoftCorporationin the U.S.
and/orothercountries.Macand Macintoshare trademarks of AppleInc., registeredin the U.S. andother countries.Blu-ray is a trademark of theBlu-ray D isc Association.
Allotherthird-party productandcompany namesmay be trademarksof theirr espectiveowners.
©2012 SMARTTechnologiesULC.All rightsr eserved.No partof this publicationmay be reproduced,transmitted,transcribed,storedin a retrieval system or translated
intoanylanguageinany form by any means withoutthe prior written consentof SMARTTechnologiesULC.Informationinthis manual is subject tochangewi thoutnotice
anddoesnotrepresenta commitment onthe partof SMART.