gTo seta mi crophoneto Assigned Channel mode
1. Turnoff the microphoneby pressing the Mute/Power Offbutton for four seconds, and then wait
2. Pressthe Soft button and the Mute/PowerOff button for threes econds,and then releaset he
Themicrophonestatus li ghtf lashes redrapidly.
3. If you want to set the microphoneto channel 1, press the Soft button.
If you want to set the microphoneto channel 2, press the Volume Up button.
Themicrophonestatus li ghtt urnss olidgreen.
Customizing your microphoneYoucan customize your microphoneto change some of its settings. Forexample, you can set your
microphonetodo the following:
lOnlythe Mute/Power Off button works and students are unableto adjust the volume while you
passthe microphonearound.
lThemicrophoneturns off when you place it in a charger andturns on when you removeit .
CH A P T E R 3
Usingthe microphone