AutomaticOn and AutomaticOff mode turns offmic rophoneswhenthey’re placedin the microphone
chargingcradleand turns them on whent hey’reremoved.
Thisis aglobal setting for all microphonesin the syst em. You can alsoprogram a specific
microphonefora specific response.For moreinformation, see Enablingautomatic shut off w hen
chargingon page21.
gTo setthe microphones to turn off in the chargingcradle
SelectA uto off when chargingon the Microphonest ab.
SettingButton DisablemodeButtonDisable mode disables the buttonsof themicrophone,preventing users from changingvolume
settings. TheMute/Power Off button isn’t disabled with this f eature.
Thisis aglobal setting for all microphonesin the syst em. You can alsoprogram a specific
microphonefora specific response.For moreinformation, see Setting your microphoneto disable
volumebuttons on page 20.
gTo disablethe buttons on the microphone
SelectD isablebuttons on microphone onthe Microphones tab.
Settingauxiliary volumecontrol from the microphoneYoucan set auxiliary volume control to use the microphoneto increase the volume,decrease the
volumeor mute the most recently active auxiliary audioinput device at the control unit without
returningtoy ourcomputer or the inputdevice. Formore information,see Controlling anauxiliary audio
inputdevice from your microphoneon page 17.
Youcan then press the Mute/Power Offbutton on the microphoneto take control of the volume for
theaudio input device.
Auxiliaryaudio input refersto ext ernalinput sources at the control unit, not at the microphone.
CH A P T E R 5
Customizingyour settings