Starting SMARTAudio software
Youcan start SMARTAudio software by selecting SMARTAudio 2011from the Start menu
(Windowscomputers) or the Dock (Mac computers).
Alternatively,if youplacedt heSMAR TAudioicon in SMARTNotebook software, you can use the
iconto st art SMARTAudiosoftware.
gTo startSMARTA udio softwarefrom SMARTNotebook software
1. StartSMARTNotebook software, and thenpress the SMAR TAudio icon onthe toolbar.
SMARTAudiosoftware appears.
2. Press Connect.
Changing your SMARTAudio system settings
YourSMARTAudio system settings enable you to adjust input volumes, check your microphone
batterylevel and adjust the brightnessof t hespeaker tone.

Adjustingthe volume

YourSMARTAudio system mixes allaudio inputs fromthe following sources:
Audio source Description
Aux1 Theconnection from yourSMAR T projectorto the control unit, that streams any
audioinputs connecteddirectly to y ourinteractive whiteboard
Aux2 Theconnection from anyaudio input device to the control unit
USBAudio Audioor video files playing ont hec omputerand transmittedt o the controlunit
throughtheU SB connection
Mic1 The default microphonechannel
Mic2 Secondary microphonechannel
Youcan renameAux 1,Aux 2 or USBAudio to a term moredescriptive of the audio input. For more
information,see Changingthe audio inputnames and trims on page 42.
Youcan adjust the volume of any audioinput. You can also mute any or all of the inputs, and then
restoretheir volumelater.
CH A P T E R 4
UsingSMARTNotebook software to changeyoursettings