Settingthe volume during a page
Foran externalpage to duck the SMARTAudio system, the room modulerequires oneof the
lAnaudio signal at the paginginput (even if the pageplays on speakers that aren’t part of the
lAs ignalat the 6–12V input. This is only a signal and doesn’t resultin t hepage playing overt he
Whena signal is present at the paginginput, the volume of the other SMARTAudiosy stem inputs is
automaticallylowered the designatedamount.
gTo setthe speaker volume during a page
Selecta ducking level in the Duck onPage drop-downlist onthe Paging tab.
Ducking level Volume changeduring a paging input
none Nochange
low -6dB
medium -12dB
high -18dB
Settingthe volume during a 6-12V input
Whenyou apply a signal to the 6-12Vinput, the volume of the other SMARTAudiosy stem inputs
lowersthe designatedamount.
gTo setthe speaker volume during a 6-12Vinput
Selecta ducking level in the Duck on6-12v drop-downlist onthe Paging tab.
Ducking level Volume changeduring a 6-12V input
none Nochange
low -6dB
medium -12dB
high -18dB
CH A P T E R 5
Customizingyour settings