Importantinformation iii
Chapter1: Getting started 1
Aboutyour SMARTAudioc lassroomamplification sys tem 2
Overviewof the SMARTAudio system 3
Physical components 4
UsingSMAR T software 6
Choosingaudioinputs 6
Controllingaudioinputs 7
Chapter2: Using the control unit 9
Turningonor turning off your SMARTAudios ystem 9
Connectingauxiliary audioinput devices 10
Chapter3: Using the microphone 11
Introduction 12
Assemblingthe microphone 12
Chargingthe microphone 14
Turningonand turning off the microphone 15
Connectingthe microphoneto the room module 15
Speakinginto the microphone 16
Connectingan auxiliarymic rophone 16
Connectingan auxiliaryaudio input device 16
Controllingan auxiliaryaudio input device from yourmic rophone 17
Usinga second microphone 18
Customizingyour microphone 19
Chapter4: Using SMAR TNotebooksoftware to changeyour settings 23
Aboutusing SMARTsoftware 23
InstallingSMARTAudio software 24
IntegratingSMARTAudiosoftw arewit h SMARTNotebooksoftw are 24
StartingSMARTAudio software 25
ChangingyourSMAR TAudiosyst ems ettings 25
Chapter5: Customizing your settings 29
InstallingSMARTAudio configurationsoftware 30
UsingSMAR TAudioconfigurationfiles 31
Settingthe volume 33
Speakercontrol settings 34