About your SMARTAudio classroomamplification system
TheSMARTAudio system amplifies teacher andst udentvoices, reducingteachervocal st rainand
ensuringthat everyonecan clearly hear what is being said fromanywhere in the room. Thes ystems
includea wireless microphonethat either the teacheror st udentscan use, a control unit that provides
aUSB interfaceto the computer anda room modulet hatc ombinesan amplifier andan infrared
YourSMARTAudio system features seamless integrationwith SMAR TNotebook™collaborative
learningsoftware. Pressingt heSMAR TAudioicon in SMARTNotebook software bringsup an
intuitiveuser interface that enableseducators to control up to five audio inputs with the touch of a
finger.Adjusting thev olumeis quick and simple,saving valuablec lass timew hilemaintainingless on
Youcan ordert hesy stem with ceiling-mountedor wall-mountedspeakers.
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