Youcan open a configurationfile with SMARTAudio configurationsoftw are,and then uploadit t o a
connectedcontrol unit.This could be partof implementingsettings or restoringa backup ofs ettings.
gTo open a configurationfile
1. SelectStart > All Programs > SMART Technologies > SMART Tools.
2. Click Audio Configuration Software.
TheSMART Audio ConfigurationSoftw are screenappears.
If the Windows operatingsystem does not see a SMART device, a w arningappears.
Connectyour computert o a SMARTAudiosys tem controlunit w ith a USB cable.
3. SelectFil e > Open.
4. Browseto and select the LPT file.
SMARTAudioconfigurationsoftware settings are loadedfrom the file.
Downloading a configuration fileYoucan downloadt hec onfigurationfile from the controlunit t o yourW indowsc omputerto do one of
lConfigurespecific settings
lStorea backup of the control unit’s settings
lCopythe specific settings, andthen uploadt hemto another control unit in anotherroom
gTo downloada configuration file
1. StartSMAR TAudioconfigurationsoftw are,and then click D ownloadConfiguration File
from CU onthe Setup tab.
Thefile downloads from the controlunit to y ourcomputer.
2. Editt hefil e, if you desire.
3. SelectFil e > Saveto save the configurationfile t o yourcomputer.
CH A P T E R 5
Customizingyour settings