Uploadinga configurationfile

Afteryou edit the settings, youcan upload thec onfigurationfile to the control unit or to anothercontrol
unitin another room.
gTo upload configurationsto the control unit
1.1. StartSMAR TAudioconfigurationsoftw are,and then select the Setup tab.
2. Click the Upload Configuration File to the CU button.
SMARTAudioconfigurationsoftware settings are uploadedfrom your computerto t hec ontrol

Savinga configurationfile

Afteryou edit your settings, y oucan save t hec onfigurationfile to your computeras a backup or to
uploadto anotherSMARTAudio system control unit.
gTo savea configuration file
1. Start S MARTAudioconfigurations oftware, andthen select the File > Save or File > Save
2. Typea file name, and then click OK.
SMARTAudiosoftware settings are saved to the file.
Setting the volume
TheVolume tab enablesyou to do the following:
lSeta master default volume for all audioinput devices.
lSets pecificdefault volumes for specific audioinput devices.
Youcan set an auxiliary input volume from-30 dB to 8 dB. Y ouc anset microphonevolumesfrom -40
dBto 6 dB.
Othervolume controls arebased on these settings.
gTo setthe master default volume
Movethe Master slideron the Volume tab up ordown.
Changethe volumeby movingthe up or down arrow.
CH A P T E R 5
Customizingyour settings