Uploadinga configurationfile
Afteryou edit the settings, youcan upload thec onfigurationfile to the control unit or to anothercontrol
unitin another room.
gTo upload configurationsto the control unit
1.1. StartSMAR TAudioconfigurationsoftw are,and then select the Setup tab.
2. Click the Upload Configuration File to the CU button.
SMARTAudioconfigurationsoftware settings are uploadedfrom your computerto t hec ontrol
Savinga configurationfile
Afteryou edit your settings, y oucan save t hec onfigurationfile to your computeras a backup or to
uploadto anotherSMARTAudio system control unit.
gTo savea configuration file
1. Start S MARTAudioconfigurations oftware, andthen select the File > Save or File > Save
2. Typea file name, and then click OK.
SMARTAudiosoftware settings are saved to the file.
Setting the volumeTheVolume tab enablesyou to do the following:
lSeta master default volume for all audioinput devices.
lSets pecificdefault volumes for specific audioinput devices.
Youcan set an auxiliary input volume from-30 dB to 8 dB. Y ouc anset microphonevolumesfrom -40
dBto 6 dB.
Othervolume controls arebased on these settings.
gTo setthe master default volume
Movethe Master slideron the Volume tab up ordown.
Changethe volumeby movingthe up or down arrow.
CH A P T E R 5
Customizingyour settings