Using SMARTAudio configuration files
TheSMARTAudio configurationfiles include many settings that affect t heoperation of your
SMARTAudiosystem. These files are stored in the control unit as LPTfiles, but you can also store
themon a computer oron a USB driveas a backup.
Youcan edit an LPT file using SMARTAudioc onfigurationsoftware. Access a f ile in oneof t he
lStartSMAR TAudioconfigurationsoftw arein your Windows computer to see the default
settingsin a f ile. For moreinformation, see Openinga configurationfile onthe next page.
lStartSMAR TAudioconfigurationsoftw arein your Windows computer connectedt o a control
unit,and then downloadthe control unit’s LPT file to the computer. For moreinformation, see
Downloadinga configurationfile on the next page.
lOpenan LPT file on a Windows computeror USB drive.For moreinformation, see Openinga
configurationfile on the next page.
Youcan then edit the following audiosettings in t heLPT file.
lSystem volume(see Setting the volume on page 33)
lSpeakercontrols (seeS peakercontrol settings on page 34)
lPagingcontrol and6-12V input settings (see Setting the responseto a page on page37)
lMicrophonesettings (seeSetting microphonef eatures onpage 39)
lAuxiliaryaudio input device namesand trims (see Changingthe audio input namesand trims
onpage 42)
lToedit other system settings, seeOther system setti ngs on page42.
Afteryou edit the LPT file, y ouc ando one of the following:
lUploadthe settings to a connected control unit. Formore information, see Uploadinga
configurationfile on page33.
lSavethe settings as anLPT file to upload to a controlunit at anothertime. For more
information,see Saving a configurationfile on page 33.
CH A P T E R 5
Customizingyour settings