Aboutyour SMARTAudioc lassroomamplification sys tem 2
Overviewof the SMARTAudio system 3
Physical components 4
Controlunit 4
TheSMARTAudio 340sy stem top view 4
SMARTAudiosystem bottom view 4
Roommodule 4
Wall-mountedspeakers 4
Ceiling-mountedspeakers 5
Microphone 5
Microphonechargingcradle 5
Optionalaccessories 5
UsingSMAR T software 6
Choosingaudioinputs 6
Speakinginto your microphone 6
Playingaudio files from your computer 6
Connectingan audioinput device to your microphone 6
Connectingan audioinput device to the control unit 6
Connectingan audioinput device to your interactive whiteboard 7
Connectingyour pagingsyst emt o the roommodule 7
Controllingaudioinputs 7
Chapter 1