TheMicrophones tabenablesy out o dothe following:
lSeta low batterymicrophonestatus lightindicator.
lEnableautomatic shut off when charging.
lDisablethe buttons on the microphone.
lEnableauxiliary audioinput device volume controlf romt hemicrophone.
lEnableyou to reducethe volume of audio input devices at the control unitw henyou are
speakinginto the microphone.
lDesignatea responsef orquickly pressingthe Soft button.
lDesignatea responsef orpressing and holdingthe Soft button.
Afteryou use SMARTAudio configurationsoftw areto upload the microphonesettings to a control
unit,you must download them from the controlunit t o eachmicrophoneby pressingthe Volume
Upand Volume Downbuttons for four seconds.
Settingthe low batteryindication
By default,t hemic rophonestatus light doesn’t flash to indicate a low battery. You can programthe
microphonestatus light to flash when the battery is low.
lAt 10%battery charge the light flashes redt wice per second.
lAt 5% batteryc hargethe light flashes red fourt imes persecond.
gTo setthe low battery indication light to flash
SelectLow batteryLED indicatoron the Microphonest ab.
CH A P T E R 5
Customizingyour settings