Youcan add an auxiliarymic rophonesuch as a headset, andyou can connect an externalaudio
source,such as a handheldaudio player, to your microphone.You can also use a secondmic rophone
topass around the class.
Installingor replacingthe microphone batteryThemicrophoneuses a replaceable,rechargeable3.7V lithium ion battery.
gTo placeor replace a battery in the microphone
1. Removethe back panel of the microphone.
2. Removethe old battery, if required.
3. Removethe plastic film fromthe replacementbattery.
4. Insertthe replacementbattery into the microphonew ith the labelfacing out and down.
5. Replacethe back panel.
Usingthe microphone’sprotective sleeveThemicrophonehas a protective sleeve. Slide the microphoneinto the sleeve to reduce audio
transferfrom tappingthe microphoneand to protect the microphonefrom damage.
Themicrophoneis more stableif it i s chargedin its protectivesleeve.
Connectingthe lanyardto the microphoneThemicrophonehas a lanyard for hands-freeuse.
gTo connectthe lanyard to the microphone
Slidethe lanyard mountingplate into the back of the microphone.
CH A P T E R 3
Usingthe microphone