Yourmicrophoneuses a line of sight infrared signalt o transmit yourvoice t o the roommodule or an
expansionsensor. Themaximum distance for this is 15'(4.6 m).
Youcan rechargethe microphone’sbatteries using the included chargingcradle.
Assembling the microphoneYourmicrophonehas a battery, a protective sleeve and a lanyard.
gTo startusing your microphone:
1. Installt hebattery in the microphone(see Installing or replacingthe microphonebattery onthe
2. Slidethe microphoneinto the protective sleeve.
3. Connectthe lanyard to the microphone,if desired (see Connectingthe lanyard to the
microphoneon the next page).
4. Chargethe microphoneby placing the microphonein the chargingcradle (seeC hargingthe
microphoneon page14).
5. Turnon the microphone(see Turningon andt urningoff the microphone onpage 15).
6. Connectthe microphoneto the room module(see Connecting the microphoneto the room
moduleon page15).
7. Adjustthe volume (see Speakinginto t hemic rophoneon page16).
CH A P T E R 3
Usingthe microphone