Connecting auxiliary audio input devices
Youcan connect auxiliary audioinput devices to the control unit, such as a C D player, DVD/Blu-ray
player,VCR or other media device, andt hentransmit audio from these devices as an alternativeto
speakinginto your microphone.
Whenyour SMARTAudios ystem is turned on, you can controlt hevolume and mute featuresusing
theauxiliary input controls, as well as using SMARTAudio software, or the microphone.
gTo connectan auxiliary audio input device
1. Ensurethat the audioinput device is turnedoff.
2. Removethe bottom cover from the control unit.
3. Connecttwo RCA input cables fromy ouraudio inputdevice to the Aux 2 inputs.
4. Replacethe cover on the controlunit.
CH A P T E R 2
Usingthe control unit