Youcan charge the microphonein the microphonechargingcradle or by connectingthe included
ACpoweradapter'splug directly to the bottom of the microphone.I t takes approximately onehour to
chargethe microphone.
Af ull chargeprovides approximatelyseven hours of use dependingonhow f requentlyyou use the
microphone,thebattery's ageand the roomtemperature.
lDonot charge the battery with any power adapterothert hanthe one supplied. Do not charge
otherbattery types in your SMART product with the supplied poweradapter. Theseactions
cancause damaget o the productand can cause a fire or personalinjury.
lIf the SMART product becomesexcessiv ely warm or emits an unusualsmell while the
batteryis c harging,immediately disconnect thepower adapterf romthe power outlet and turn
offt heproduct.
Themicrophoneis more stable if it isc hargedin its protective sleeve. For more information,see
Usingthe microphone’s protectives leeve on the previouspage.
gTo chargethe microphone in the microphone chargingcradle
1. Connectthe AC power adaptert o themic rophonecharging
2. Placethe microphonein the charger facing out.
Thered light flashes when the microphoneis charging,and
turnssolid red when the microphoneis fully charged.
CH A P T E R 3
Usingthe microphone