Ceiling-mounted speakers
Thefour 30 W ceiling-mountedspeakers receiveboth power and audio
inputthroughspeaker wire from the roommodule.
YourSMARTAudio system transmits an infraredsi gnalby line of si ght
upto 15' (4.6 m) to a receiver in the roommodule or anexpansion
sensor.The microphonehas power, volume andmute buttons.
Youcan connect external wiredmic rophonesto the 3.5 mm jack on the
sideof the microphone.
Youcan wear it on your belt, hold it in your handsor attach the included
lanyardto the microphoneand thenw earit aroundyourneck. You can
alsoadd an auxiliary microphonesuch as a headset.
Youcan charge the microphonein the wall-mountedmicrophone
chargingcradleprovided with your SMARTAudiosy stem
Partno. Name Description
CAS-HSMIC SMARTAudiosystem wired
Forhands-freeoperation,y oucan use an
auxiliaryheadset microphoneor a
lavalieremicrophonethat you attach to
yourcollar, tie or other clothing.
CAS-LVMIC SMARTAudio system wired
CAS-300-IRMIC SMARTAudiosystem wireless
Youcan use a second microphoneas a
backupor as a student microphone.
CAS-300-IRSENS SMARTAudiosystem expansion
Youcan connect one ort wo expansion
sensorsto the room moduleto increase
audiocoveragein a large room, orto f ill in
theblind spots. An expansion sensor
includesa 15' (4.5 m) cable.
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