gTo setauxiliary audio input volume
If you want to preventt heuser from using the microphoneto control input volumes, select
Disable buttonson microphone onthe Microphones tab.
If you want to enablethe user to use the microphoneto control input volume whent he
microphoneis muted, select On mute in the Aux Volume Control drop-downlist on the
Settingauxiliary duckingTheauxiliary ducking settings enablesyou to reduce the volume of the controlunit’s auxiliaryaudio
inputswhen you’re speakinginto the microphone.
Thisis helpful if you want totalk over a DVD/Blu-ray orother audioinput device at thecontrol unit.
gTo setan auxiliary ducking level
Selecta ducking level in the Aux Ducking drop-downlist onthe Microphones tab.
Ducking level Volume changeduring microphone transmission
none Nochange
low -6dB
medium -12dB
high -18dB
Settinga Soft buttonshort responseYoucan designate a responsefor when a user pressest heSoft button on a microphonefor less than
fourseconds. Typically you can use this t o muteauxiliary audio inputs but it can triggera relay or
haveno action.
gTo seta Soft button short response
If you want to mute auxiliary audioinputs at the control unit, select Aux Mutein the Soft Button
-Short drop-downlis t on the Microphones tab.
If youwant to triggera relay in therelay input, select Relay.
If you don’tw anta response when you quickly press the Soft button, select No Action.
CH A P T E R 5
Customizingyour settings