Setting the response to a page
Youcan use SMARTAudio configurationsoftware to define how your SMARTAudiosys tem
respondsto an incomingpage.
Pagingsystems often deliver important safety information.H ave a professionalinstaller connect
theroom moduleto an existi ngpaging system so that pages are heardreliably.
Whenyou install your room module,you can connect it to y ourexisti ngpaging system with either a
paginginputor a 6-12V connection.
ThePaging tab enablesyou to do the following:
lSetpaging input trim to your roommodule.
lLowerthe volume of the currentaudio to the SMARTAudio system when a pageis broadcast.
lLowerthe volume ona 6-12V input so that when a pageis broadcastat the 6-12Vinput, t he
volumeof the current audiolowers automatically.

Settingpage volume

Youcan connect your existing pagingsy stem to your roommodule, and thens et the incomingpage
volume.The following arec ommonscenarios:
lTrimthe incoming pageto -19 dB so that the page doesn’t play overy ourSMARTAudio
system speakers, becauseit uses otherspeakersi n theroom. You can still usethe Page
duckingfeature for otherSMARTAudio system inputs. For more information,see Setting the
volumeduringa page on the next page.
lTrimto increase or decreasethe volume of the page that plays over yourSMAR TAudio
system speakers.
gTo increaseor decrease thevolume of a page
Uset hePaging Input Trim arrowbuttons on the Paging tabt o adjustt hepage input trim from
-19dB to 6 dB.
CH A P T E R 5
Customizingyour settings