Chapter 4: Using SMARTNotebooksoftware to change your settings
Aboutusing SMARTsoftware 23
InstallingSMARTAudio software 24
IntegratingSMARTAudiosoftw arewit h SMARTNotebooksoftw are 24
StartingSMARTAudio software 25
ChangingyourSMAR TAudiosyst ems ettings 25
Adjustingthe volume 25
Adjustingthe speaker tone 26
Checkingyour microphonebattery level 26

About using SMARTsoftware

Youcan use SMARTNotebookcollaborativelearningsoftware to conveniently control your
SMARTAudiosystem from your interactive whiteboard.
Afteryou install SMAR TAudiosoftware and integrateit w ith your SMARTNotebooksoftw areyou
canthen press the SMART Audioic on onthe SMARTNotebook software toolbar,to do the
lAdjustthe volume of up to two mic rophones.
lMuteor adjust the volume of audiofil es playingon your computer.
lMuteor adjust the volume of audiofiles playingon connectedaudio input devices.
lMuteall your audio inputdevices.
lAdjustthe brightness of the speaker tone.

Chapter 4