Installing SMARTAudio software
InstallSMA RTAudiosoftware from the includedC D, or go to the downloadpage
gTo install SMARTAudio software(Windows computers)
1. Disconnectt heU SB cable that connects your computerto your control unit.
2. Insertthe included CD in your computer, andthen browse to the SMARTAudioSetup.exe file.
Youcan also go to the downloadpage (,select the SMAR TAudio
softwaredownloads, and thendownload SMARTAudioSetup.exet o yourdesktop.
3. Double-clickthe SMARTAudi oSetup.exefile, and then follow the on-screeninstructions.
gTo install SMARTAudio software(Mac computers)
1. Disconnectt heU SB cable that connects your computerto your control unit.
2. Insertthe included CD in your computer, andthen browse to the SMARTA udio Install.dmg
Youcan also go to the downloadpage (,select the SMAR TAudio
softwaredownloads, and thendownload SMART A udio Install.dmg to your desktop.
3. Double-clickthe SMART A udio Install.dmg file,and then follow the on-screeninstructions.
Integrating SMARTAudio software withSMARTNotebook software
If you don’ts eethe SMAR TAudioicon onyour SMARTNotebooks oftware toolbar,you can add it
tointegrate SMARTAudios oftwarew ith SMARTNotebooksoft ware.
gTo integrateSMARTAudio softwarewith SMARTNotebook software
1. StartSMAR TNotebooksoftware, and then select View > Customize Toolbar.
TheCustomize Toolbar window appears.
2. Dragthe SMARTAudio icon to your SMARTNotebooksoftw aretoolbar.
3. PressDone.
CH A P T E R 4
UsingSMARTNotebook software to changeyour settings