Chapter 5: Customizing your settings
InstallingSMARTīAudio configurationsoftware 30
UsingSMAR TīAudioconfigurationfiles 31
Openingac onfigurationfile 32
Downloadinga configurationfile 32
Uploadinga configurationfile 33
Savinga configurationfil e 33
Settingthe volume 33
Speakercontrol settings 34
Settingspeaker androom equalization 35
Settingamplifier trim 36
Savingand recallingequalization settings 36
Settingthe response to a page 37
Settingpage volume 37
Settingthe volume duringa page 38
Settingthe volume duringa 6-12V input 38
Settingmicrophonefeatures 39
Settingthe low battery indication 39
Settingthe microphonest o turnoff whencharging 40
SettingButton Disable mode 40
Settingauxiliary volume control fromt hemic rophone 40
Settingauxiliary ducking 41
Settinga Soft button short response 41
Settinga Soft button long response 42
Changingthe audioinput names andtrims 42
Othersystem sett ings 42
Enablingthe microphoneuser to changeactive input device volume 43
Settingthe relay settings 43
Roommodule connections 44
Chapter 5