Chapter 6: Troubleshooting yourSMARTAudio system
Resettingyour syst em 45
Updatingthe control unit firmware 46
Troubleshootingusingthe microphonestatus light 47
Troubleshootingwhyyour voice doesn’t come throughthe speakers 48
Troubleshootingissueswit h anauxiliary audio input device 48
Youmight be able to solve the issue with your SMARTAudio system by performingthese checks.
lChecky ourcable connections.
lEnsureSMARTAudio software is installed.
lResett hec ontrolunit to its startupstate (see below).
lUpdatethe control unit firmware.

Resetting your system

gTo resetthe system
1. Removethe control unit bottom cover.
2. Pressthe labeled system Reset button for threeseconds.
Thesyst emresets.
3. Replacethe control unit bottom cover.

Chapter 6