Using SMART software
YourSMARTAudio system operateswithout additionalsoftware. However, the following software
couldextend your usageof t heSMAR TAudiosyst em.
lSMARTAudiosoftware enablesyou to c ontrolyour SMARTAudio system. You can use it
aloneor integratedwith SMARTNotebook software.
lSMARTAudioconfigurationsoftware enables a system administrator to customize the
SMARTAudiosystem sett ings.
lSMARTNotebooksoftware enablesy outo acc ess commonly used audiosettings, such as
volumecontrol, while teaching at youri nteractivew hiteboard.
Youcan install SMART softwarefromt heincluded CD, orfromthe softw aredownload page
Choosing audio inputsYoucan connect audio inputsf roma v arietyof sourcesto yourSMA RTAudiosyst em.
Speakinginto yourm icrophone
Whenyou speak into your microphone,your voice transmits by infrared signalt o the roommodule or
expansionsensors andis broadcast from thes peakers.For more informationon speaking into the
microphone,seeSpeaking into the microphoneon page 16.
Playingaudio files from yourcomputer
Youcan play audio orv ideofiles onyourconnected computer,and the audio broadcastsfrom the
Connectingan audioinput device to yourmicrophone
Youcan connect an audioinput device, such as an auxiliary microphoneor portableaudio player,
directlyto t he3.5 mm jack onyourmicrophone. Theaudio input transmits by infraredsignal to the
roommoduleor expansionsensors and is broadcastfrom the speakers.For moreinformation on
connectingan audioinput device to your microphone,see Connecting an auxiliaryaudio input device
onpage 16.
Connectingan audioinput device to thecontrol unit
Youcan connect an audioinput device, such as aCD player, DVD/Blu-ray™ playeror VC R, to the
controlunit. The audiot henbroadcasts from the speakers.
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