The configuration commands are organized into different modes:
Global Configuration - These commands modify the system level
configuration, and include commands such as hostname and
snmp-server community.
Access Control List Configuration - These commands are used for
packet filtering.
Class Map Configuration - Creates a DiffServ class map for a specified
traffic type.
Interface Configuration - These commands modify the port
configuration such as speed-duplex and negotiation.
Line Configuration - These commands modify the console port an d
Telnet configuration, and include command such as parity and databits.
Multiple Spanning Tree Configuration - These commands configure
settings for the selected multiple spanning tree instance.
Policy Map Configuration - Creates a DiffServ policy map for multiple
VLAN Configuration - Includes the command to create VLAN groups.
VDSL Line Profile - Creates a profile of configuration settings that can
be applied to a group of VDSL ports.
VDSL Alarm Profile - Creates a profile of alarm thresholds that can be
applied globally to the switch or to a group of VDSL ports.
IGMP Profile - Sets a profile group and enters IGMP filter profile
configuration mode.
To enter the Global Configuration mode, enter the command configure
in Privileged Exec mode. The system prompt will change to
“Console(config)#” which gives you access privilege to all Global
Configuration commands.