Absolute tab, 79 Ascender, 83, 90 Auto feed, 88
Automatic carriage return, I6
Automatic line feed, 17, 77
Automatic sheet feeder, 6, 16, 56, 88
Backspace, 77
Bail lever, 2, 7, 8, 9, II, 12 BASIC, 25, 40, 92
Beeper, 20, 24, 27, 28, 29, 87
<BEL>, 87
Bidirectional printing, 87
Bottom margin, 74 Buffer, 17, 28, 53
Cancel command, 86 Carriage return, 77 Centering, 78
Channels of vertical tab stops, 75 Character codes, printing of all, 65
Character set commands, 64 Character sets, 54, 64, 65,
Character size and pitch commands, 66
Character spacing, 69 Cleaning, 47
Colour commands, 35 Colour printing, 54
Colour printing commands, 64 Column width, 32, 55 Commands:
double parentheses,
download character, 82 font control, 59 graphics, 80
horizontal position, 76
macro instruction, 85 print size, 35
type style, 35
vertical position, 71
Commercial software,
Condensed pitch, 21 I 51, 67
Connector, 3, 5
Control panel, 19
Courier type style, 22, 60
Delete, 86 Descender, 83. 90
Dimensions of printer, 55
DIP switches,
72, 74, 82, 83, 84, 88
DOS commands, 37, 38, 39, 40 Dot matrix size, 54
Double parentheses commands,
Download character commands, 82
Download characters, 17, 51, 54,82,83, 84,
Draft quality, 22, 59, 60, 82, 84, 89, 90, 91
Electrical specifications, 56 Elite pitch, 21, 60, 66, 84
Emphasized printing, 51, 62
Emulation, 26, 31, 53 Entry slot, 3
Environmental requirements, I, 56 Epson printers, 31
Escape code, 32 Escape sequences, 59 Expanded printing, 67
Fanfold forms: loading, 9, 50 parking, Il. 27
specifications, 55
unparking, 12 Fixed spacing, 68
Font control commands, 59 Form feed, 74
Gap, 14
Graphics, 37, 45, 51, 80. 81, 82