When you press the On Line switch again to go back
Paper Feed switch
This switch operates only when the printer is
While you are feeding lines, if you also press the On Line switch, the paper will feed to the top of the next page. This is explained later.
When power is on, always use the Paper Feed switch instead of the platen knob to feed paper. Turn the platen knob only when power is off.
Print Pitch switch
This switch operates
The printer powers up in pica pitch. To change to another pitch, press the On Line switch to go
In Standard mode (when DIP switch
Pica |
| (10 | characters | per | inch) |
Elite |
| (12 | characters | per | inch) |
Condensed | pica | (17 | characters | per | inch) |
Condensed | elite | (20 | characters | per | inch) |
Proportional | pica |
Proportional | elite |
This is pica (10 characters per inch).
This is elite (12 characters per inch). This is condensedpica (17 characters per inch).
T?k is condensedelite (20charactersper inch).
This is proportional pica.
This is proportional elite.