Perform one n/180-inch, n/216-inch, or n/360-inch linefeed
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
Both <ESC> ‘J.. ~27 74 nIB 4A n
Feedsthe paperonce byn/180 inches, n/216inches, orn/360 inches,
according to thedefined base unit. The value of nis between 1and
255. Does not move the print position right or left in the standard
mode. Does not change the line-spacing setting.
Perform one nl180-inch reverse linefeed
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
Std. <ESC> “j” 17 27 106 }7 IB 6A n
Feedsthe paperonce byn/180 inches inthe reverse direction, where
nis between 1and 255.
Does notmove the print position right or left. Does not change the
line-spacing setting.
Feedpaper nlines
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
Std. <ESC> ‘1”’ <1> }7 27102 1 )/ 1B66 01 )?
Feedsthe paper nlines from the current line, where nis between O
and 127.
Set top ofpage at current position
Mode ASCII Decimal Hexadecimal
IBM <ESC> “4” 27 52 IB 34
Setsthe current position as the top-of-page position. Note that this
can also be done from the control panel.