Chapter 6 — Troubleshooting
This section shows a list of check points to follow if your printer is not working properly. It also includes details of some routine maintenance operations you can perform yourself. It is not, however, a complete service manual. Call your authorized service center if you are unsure of your ability to carry out any maintenance or servicing operations on the printer.
Chapter 7 — Optional Accessories
This chapter explains the optional accessories that are available for your printer, and how to install and use them.
Chapter 8 — Printer Control Commands
This chapter explains the different emulations provided by your printer, and the software commands that are used to drive it. This section is of use if you are writing or modifying programs to take advantage of the printer’s features.
Chapter 9 — Download Characters
This chapter explains the procedures to create your own characters.
Chapter 10—
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Chapter 11— Reference
This section provides references for your printer, such as specifications, the pinout of interface connector, and the character tables.
The character table charts give the different character sets available.